Thursday 8 August 2019

Sir Edmund Hillary


  1. hi Ezekiel my name is Felix from room 24 and I really like your blog post about the timeline of Sir Edmund Hillary. Next time try add a bit more information to your work.
    Here is the link to my blog
    Blog is later, Felix.

  2. KIA ORA my name is Asfan and I am from Room 23. I like your blog post about Sir Edmund Hillary. What is your real life hero. Your blog post was nice but if you add how many days he take to climb Mount Everest and etc.But, it was nice. Thanks for sharing your learning .
    Blog you later,

  3. Hi Ezekiel, my name is Ivan from Room 23. I like your blog post about Sir Edmund Hillary's timeline. I like it because of the background and there are different facts compared to my timeline. I also didn't know that Edmund became a beekeeper or a navy sailor.
    Maybe you should check out my blog soon:
    blog you soon.


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